Friday, November 13, 2009

A Month To GO!

Hey Everyone!

We'll all be meeting together for the first time in a month! How cool is that?

I'm excited to attend the Global Village Team Leader Round Table this weekend here in Chicago, and to report back with new things that I've learned and new ideas for our time together.

I hope you are all enjoying your fall season so far!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fundraising and Trip Balances

Hello Team!

Just a quick reminder - the balance of your trip costs are due to the Habitat for Humanity office this week.

We're able to have a little wiggle room in the due date, so if you need an extension, please let me know!

I hope all of you who have been fundraising have been enjoying success! Please feel free to share your stories with the team.

Thanks for making your profiles on the Blog. It's fun to start to get to know you all.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Updated Blog Profile

Hi, all! I just took a quick moment to update my Blog Profile. Let me know if you need more information displayed. The background about the family was quite interesting. I continue to look forward to the experience and will stay in touch as time permits. All the best! Suzanne

Friday, October 9, 2009

extended stay in Porto, etc

Hey all.

I'm very excited about our upcoming trip.

Was wondering if anyone is planning an extended stay to tour the country and travel a bit after the program. I know its the holidays and most may wish to be home. But for those that are staying after the project.

I will be staying in Porto for an extra 2 nights (Mon and Tues), so if any ladies want to share a room with me it'd be great. Don't worry, I'm really easy to room with.

I will also be in Lisbon, Madrid and Barcelona after too. Let me know if anyone is traveling there as well. Being a lone traveler can get pretty lame at times.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Meet our homeowner partners - The Costa Family!

Good morning team!

I received an exciting email from Habitat for Humanity in Braga today - the introduction of the partner family with whom we will be working in December!

Below is the text from the PDF I was sent, which I will pass along in an email to you as well.

Very exciting!

The Costa family – Gondizalves Project

The Costa family has five elements: António Alberto (38), Maria Manuela (40), Miguel (13), Bruna (11) e Joana (9) and they currently live in a house that belongs to a family member and is quite small. They live in this house for 17 years.

António works on a gas station and Maria is currently unemployed but she is taking a training course to become a hairdresser in the future and all three children are in school.

A few years ago the parents of Antonio gave the couple a piece of land where they started to build a house for their family. Unfortunately for financial reasons they were not able to finish it; and that is why they contacted Habitat.

During this project Habitat volunteers will work mainly on the interior of the house and the exterior painting.

Due to several family problems they have to leave the house as soon as they can. We are starting this project in November so they can spend Christmas on their new house and finally have a place they can call Home and raise their children safely.

This project that will ensure a better future for the Costa family where they will finally have their own house where they can raise their children and, most important, turn that house into a HOME!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Welcome to the Team!

Greetings Teammates!

I'm very excited to be preparing for this adventure with you. This blog page will be a way for us to communicate together, exchange ideas, and start to get to know each other. I've added each of your email addresses as people who can post and add to the blog page, so if you have anything you'd like to share with the team, please feel free to do so!

One of the first things I'd like to do is to ask the team members to each post a personal bio and a photo. You can post them yourself, or you can send a bio and photo to me and I will post them to the blog for you. Share a bit about yourself, what inspired you to come on the build, where you are from, what you are looking forward to, anything you'd like to share with the team.

I've posted the links to some helpful web pages on the sidebar. If you are looking for any specific information, please let me know! And feel free to post pages or links that you think the team may find helpful.

Please let me know if you have any trouble posting, or have any questions about the blog.

I'm excited to get to know you, and to help you get to know each other!